Ezy Dog Car Seat Belt Harness - Medium dog harness RED

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Ezy Dog Car Seat Belt Harness

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Ezy Dog Car Seat Belt Harness - Medium dog harness RED

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Only £ 14.99 including VAT and Free UK Delivery


Available in Medium dog harness RED fitting, protect your dog and passengers from injury in the event of a collision or sudden braking.

With Five highly adjustable sizes, our dog car harness, made by EzyDog, simply clips through an existing car seat belt. The Harness is fitted with a padded chest support, and the dog harness webbing incorporates Light reflective strands to provide enhanced visibility at night.

The Dog Seat Belt Harness has a swivelling mechanism which doesn't restrict your dog from sitting, turning or lying down on the car seat. The Dog Harness can also be used outside the car, and is ideal for use with a dog leach or lead.

Here is a guide to the correct size of harness for your dog:-

Extra Small - Toy Breeds, Miniature Terrier.

Small - Jack Russell Terrier, King Charles Spaniel.

Medium - Cocker Spaniel, Beagle, Miniature Poodle.

Large - Labrador, Border Collie, Dalmation, Boxer.

Extra Large - German Shepherd, Rottweiler, Doberman.

This product can be used in conjunction with our Waterproof rear car seat covers to protect your car seats from dirt and dog hair..

Colour: Red or Black (or Brown in Large only).

Brand: Town and Country Seat Covers